Casino In Yangon
Yangon Regional Investment Committee said they will now allow investors into Yangon’s casino industry. Myanmar earlier this year passed the revised Gambling Act (1986), currently they only need to release the by-law for it which will pave the way for casinos in the city. According to the gambling act, foreigner only casinos can be opened with approval from the Union government, it is is believed the move will boost the country’s tourism.
“Investors haven’t proposed a casino yet. We also do not have plans to approve any until the by-law comes out,” said U Phyo Min Thein, Chief Minister of Yangon. Myanmar is hoping to build casinos in popular tourist destinations around the country, and they hope this will generate tax revenue. The existing gambling act only allows the ‘Aungbarlay lottery’ which generates around $30 million per year.
The revised Gambling Act was submitted to Pyithu Hluttaw lower house, on August 21, 2018 and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Union Parliament, approved it on March 8, 2019. After seeing how successful Macau and Singapore’s gambling industry has been, Myanmar has decided to now allow casinos. Macau’s casino industry circulates $33 billion per year and generates $3 billion in revenue for the country, while Singapore’s casino industry generates $2.7 billion per year.
Source: Myanmar Business Today

Casino In Angola Ny
Casino It’s a casino located right between Myanmar and Thailand border river, only casino located in Myanmar, Kayin State, Myawaddy Town. Using Thai batt currency as mostly are Thai people crossing. Yangon is positioned in the Yangon Region (Myanmar). It is big town, with a total figure 4,35 million individuals. Yangon hasn't got its very own casino but that's not an issue.
Casinos In Yangon
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